Perry WoTR plastic Archer and travelled through time to just miss Rolf's right foot by 2 inches!
the top off to add the head of one of the 2 two handed great axes on each sprue to give a standing great axeman....
Best thing when facing this guy is to avoid the downward stroke - obviously - but remember he will not just swing wildly, he has probably been killing the likes of you half his life and is just as likely to use the lower edge of the axe to hook you legs from under you or to hook down the upper edge of your shield for the spearman in his second line - previously not noticed due to the roaring lunatic with this axe - to lunge a spear through your throat.....
This is an accidental conversion, the shield did not fit due to where I had positioned the arm, so he got a knife, taught me to blu tac shields to the arms when gluing them on though!
These are all shots of the Gripping beast plastic Vikings, these are superb value, incredibly flexible and have loads of spares... thereby hangs a tail, I did some painting for Paul at Warlord games a while back and took castings and models in lieu of payment, I had loads of Warlord 28mm plastic celts left over and have combined some of the half naked guys with the GBP heads and weapons to make some Viking Berserkers, will post em soon but they really look cool, the scale matches and the sculpting is equally crisp, also try swapping back the extra celt heads from Warlord with the Vikings, a great bald head on the celt sprue, watch the blog for some shots of these......
In the meantime head over to Gripping Beast for a gander (Interesting fact here, a Gripping Beast is an animal depicted in a loop biting its own tail and featured heavily in Norse artwork while the painting and carving styles where heavily influenced by eastern styles because the Scandanavians traded lots with them) any way go here...
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